The Journey into Aged Care.
The very basic diagram in the centre of the newsletter demonstrates the journey that consumers take when entering into aged care services. It’s important for the general community to understand how the system works, so people have realistic expectations and embrace the process for a successful journey.
Often we hear that people are surprised that they are required to register with MyAgedCare or require a basic assessment of their needs. Aged Care services are subsidised by the federal government and all consumers and service providers need to be accountable for how this funding is allocated.
The process of assessing each consumer ensures that appropriate services are being provided for that person. Also and very importantly, that the person is able to make informed decisions about the services they can access and what their rights are as a consumer of those services.
Our society demands high quality care for our older people. This is why an assessment is important and necessary so that the right services are provided in the right way for each individual. If we only offered a one-size-fits-all service, people would complain. This is why we strive to work with every consumer to find out what they need to help them stay safely and independently at home.