Monthly Archives: May 2018

1 05, 2018

Newsletter – Winter 2018

2018-11-24T02:33:11+00:00May 1st, 2018|Newsletters|

Greetings all,

Looking back at the last financial year I am glad to be able to reflect on the number of projects we have completed such as the addition of the partition wall between the dining room and administration areas; painting through-out the kitchen and storage area; the installation of solar panels and also our new walk-in freezer. These are mostly projects that we received grants to complete in the past and we were extremely keen to demon-strate that we were committed to their undertaking. It’s a great relief to have all the projects completed and as mentioned in this, and previous, newsletters the additional funding received through Armidale Central Ro-tary has assisted us greatly to finish these projects properly.
All this has been taking place while we maintain the service of between 2,500 and 3,000 meals each month. We always welcome feedback about the meal service so please call the office if you have any issues to discuss.

1 05, 2018

Newsletter – Autumn 2018

2018-11-24T02:33:11+00:00May 1st, 2018|Newsletters|

As the chills of winter descend upon us again, I hope everyone has their firewood stacked and their rugs and uggs ready!

There was a bit of a hiccup with our kitchen staff in March when our Chef left us at short notice. We did manage to get our meals prepared and delivered with some assistance from our previous chef Kellie and a fantastic team effort from everyone here.

We are delighted to welcome Rachael Morley to Meals on Wheels as our new permanent Chef. She has moved to us from another local business who I am sure are missing her as much as we are enjoying having her here.

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