As we move into another chilly winter, we transition into our warmer winter menu items. We hope you are enjoying the new range of meal options.
We continue to receive a large number of new referrals to the service each day which is often the case as winter sets in. Welcome to all our new clients!
Our intake process requires some robust discussions with clients to ensure we get all the dietary and delivery information we need to provide a great service. We are also glad to report a number of new clients providing glowing feedback about the positive impact our service has on their general well-being and their ability to attend to more enjoyable tasks with their renewed energy! In addition to that, we often hear such great reports about how lovely our delivery drivers are. These are the best compliments we can get. Thank you everyone!
It is with great pleasure that we can report our team of delivery drivers received a Nomination for the Community Volunteer Awards which recognizes the very important role that volunteers play in many community services.
One of our freezers decided to ‘pack it in’ recently and we are fortunate to have received a donation from the Rotary Club of Armidale North to cover the cost of a brand new replacement freezer! Thanks to Rotary North, our soup supplies will continue to be frozen solid.
We have embarked on some advertising campaigns which you may see in print or on Television. We are part of a group of MOW services across the region who contributed to a campaign running on WIN-TV network; We have also contributed to a state-wide campaign with NSW MOW which is really aimed at making sure people on Home Care Packages (HCPs) know that they can request Meals on Wheels if that’s what they want. There are reports that some HCP providers refuse to facilitate arrangements for their Package clients to access Meals on Wheels and this is not OK.
At the time of writing we are awaiting the Government response to the Aged Care Royal Commission. The budget has already revealed an additional $10billion in funds to aged care over the next 4 years and we hope that some of that is directed at home care services that allow people to remain independently and safely at home for as long as possible.
Kerryn Williams, Manager