AUMOW has a rich history of volunteers delivering meals, preparing meals, overseeing the organisation as member of the Management Committee, helping out with functions and events, donating time for working bees – helping in so many areas of the organisation, we would not be here today if it was not for their generous gift of time and talents.
Some of our volunteers have been with us for many years – well over 30 in some cases! There are folks who do one run each month and others we see every week – it depends on what is convenient for each person.
We also enjoy the support of a number of local businesses who roster their staff to do regular deliveries. These include National Australia Bank, Regional Australia Bank, Newcastle Permanent, Forsyth’s Accountants, Roberts & Morrow Accountants, Town & Country Real Estate as well as local organisations whose staff bring some of their own clients to do deliveries – The Ascent Group, Challenge Disability Services and Sunnyfield Disability Services.
New volunteers are welcome to join Meals on Wheels anytime and can contact the office on 6772 8970 or pop in to see us at the Showground in Dumaresq Street.
There is a registration form to complete and we do require all staff and volunteers to complete a National Criminal Check, which is a mandatory requirement for everyone who works in Aged Care services. We will undertake this process for you and cover the cost as well.
2016 – some of our regular volunteer drivers armed and ready for action.
Wellbeing Checks & Social Interaction
Besides the food, the other important service we provide is a wellbeing check for our clients – many of them and their families rely on us to keep an eye out if anything is amiss or perhaps if someone is not feeling well. We have processes in place to contact a nominated friend or family member, or if required, to seek medical assistance. Our volunteers understand how vital this part of our role is.
The volunteer drivers stop for a chat with each person as they make their deliveries and as they are often known to each other, this is a lovely social interaction for the clients as well as for the drivers. Some of our volunteers have been with us for many years and they really enjoy being able to keep in touch with the regular meal recipients. This type of social exchange is so important for some of our clients who may not get too many visitors.